WELCOME ALL!  Get yourself the beverage of your choice, make yourself comfy, and let’s chat gardening and life.  As a PH.D., Clinical Psychologist (aka “Doctor Dave”), I’m usually on the listening end of conversations.  This blog is an opportunity for me to talk.  To share with you, my passion for all things gardening.  I was introduced to home gardening at age twelve, by my Granddaddy Rowley, whose love of growing vegetables was matched only by his love of eating vegetables and fishing for trophy bass in Lake Okeechobee.  As an adult, I resumed gardening nineteen years ago, as a family project with my three daughters.  And while they quickly lost interest; grew up into strong, independent women; and claimed a stake in the adult world, I fell in love with gardening!  In part, because it paralleled my career work:  Promoting Growth.  Since then, I’ve become a gardening, canning, pickling, drying, freezing, and all-around-preserving addict, who refuses to go to rehab and insists to family and friends that I am:  Not obsessed, Not obsessed, Not obsessed!  Adamantly denying that I am in denial.  Incidentally, my lone supporter and enabler, oldest daughter, Becky, is now a home gardener and mother, who actively seeks my gardening advice and wonders how I suddenly became so smart.

Love is gardening.  Love is also, sometimes, TWISTED (for the record, this photo was not doctored by the doctor).
All Photos By David Chick, aka, The Garden Shrink

     JOIN ME:  As we Learn together, Support each other, and most importantly, Grow together.  Gardening has taught me important life lessons, and surprisingly, has made me a more appreciative, observant, content, and fulfilled member of the human race.  I look forward to sharing my gardening successes and gardening failures, secrets of the trade, personal photos, and quirky sense of humor.  And I look forward to learning from you and your secrets for success, as we partner in All Things Gardening with a Psychological Twist …. Doctor Dave.